Many of you have been in contact with me to express your anxiety at plans to build a solar farm in Penkridge.
I wholeheartedly share your concerns: this development would eat up 61 hectares of land in Penkridge, destroying valuable green space. Although animals could still graze between the panels, the panels would be large and intrusive, disturbing the tranquillity and beauty of our natural environment. It is not fair to expect local communities to simply put up with this scar on the landscape.
I have met with KMC Legal Finance, who are aiding those in opposition of the development. Moreover, I will soon be delivering a letter to residents in Penkridge explaining how they can object to the plans should they wish to do so.
If you share my worries about the erosion of our green spaces, do join me in my campaign by getting in contact with the firm to voice your objections. It’s important that we take a stand and defend the nature that we in Staffordshire are so lucky to have access to.