Gavin Williamson, MP for South Staffordshire, visited St Bernadette’s Primary School in Wombourne last Friday to talk to pupils about his role as an MP.
A recent inspection report hailed the school as being totally driven by a strong team led by the head teacher and governing body. Inspectors found that all 83 pupils achieve better than expected progress in reading, writing and mathematics. They also noted that standards had risen significantly and continued to rise at a rate so quickly 'the gap between the school and nationally is widening'. The report states that since the last inspection teaching at the Lindale Drive school has improved, praising the governors and staff for their work.
The report means that this is a triple cause for celebration as it had its best ever KS2 SATs results last year with 100% of six-year-olds passing the national phonics screening test for early reading, placing it in the top 5% of all schools.
Headteacher, Jayne Keegan-Hobbs said: “I am delighted that the hard work of all the staff and governors has been recognised and endorsed. I am proud to be part of such a determined and supportive team. We have worked together with our children and parents to achieve a school we are all very proud of. There is still more work to be done at St Bernadette's which is oversubscribed for September 2015.”
Gavin said, “I had a great time visiting St Bernadette’s last Friday where I spoke to pupils about my role as an MP. The school is a very well respected school in the local community and it was a pleasure to see the outstanding work and how much it has improved over the past few years. I would like to thank the headmistress and teachers for all the work they do in this fantastic school and I look forward to hearing even more about their successes in the future.”