Mandatory housing targets have historically led to housing being forced onto Green Belt, regardless of local concerns. I have campaigned for the preservation of our Green Belt throughout
As such, I warmly welcome the recent announcement that the Government is making housing targets advisory and giving local communities a greater say over what is built in their areas. With this new approach, we can ensure that the character of our communities and our Green Belt are properly protected during decision-making. South Staffordshire has the second highest proportion of Green Belt in England, and this should be reflected throughout the planning process.
I am also glad to hear of plans to drop the requirement for a rolling five-year supply of land for housing where plans are up to date, preventing developers from using the rule to get planning permissions on unallocated sites.
We are so fortunate to have such fantastic green spaces within South Staffordshire and it is only right that we fight to ensure they are preserved for generations to come, not just here but across the UK.